The increasing popularity of Donald Trump has been a surprising development in the early stages of the 2016 Presidential campaign.  Trump currently has nearly twice as many supporters as his closest rival in the Republican race.  He’s the focus of almost every television news program and radio talk show.  This past Friday night an estimated 30,000 people gathered in an Alabama football stadium to hear Donald Trump.

Here are six personal take-aways from the Donald Trump phenomenon:

1. The American people are hungry for courageous leadership.

Jesus had compassion on the multitudes because they were like sheep without a shepherd.  That describes the American people right now.  They are starving for a strong leader – even one that’s a bit obnoxious.

Most politicians are overly-cautious, so programmed not to offend any portion of the voting public, that they often appear weak and indecisive.  Donald Trump shoots from the hip and isn’t afraid to say what he’s thinking.  “We exchanged Bowe Bergdahl, a no-good traitor, for five of the enemies most-wanted terrorists.  That’s stupid!”  Few have the guts to make those kinds of statements.  Although they shock the sensitivities of a number of people, they attract multitudes who are drawn to courageous leaders.

2. A lot of people are really tired of political correctness.

A reporter asked Donald Trump, “Are you aware that people are offended by the term, “anchor baby”?  Trump fired back, “Do you mean that term is not politically correct even though the majority of people use it?  Do you have a better term?” –  He refuses to cower to the mainstream press or be intimidated or the politically-correct police.  That impresses people who are really weary of having to guard every word less someone gets offended.

3. People are fed up with the Washington Establishment.  

The American people have had it with empty promises, back room deals and politicians who are beholden to special interests.  For example they are tired of politicians running on a pro-life platform and then refusing to vote to defund Planned Parenthood.  They are tired of hearing rhetoric promising to do something about illegal immigration and then doing nothing, once elected.

That’s why three of the candidates gaining popularity, Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina, are not Washington insiders.  Donald Trump is profiting from the anti-establishment mentality and promotes himself as someone who can make America again because he’s done it in business.  People are hopeful someone from the private sector can bring common sense business practices into a government that’s ineffective.

4. Many people don’t consider humility an important virtue. 

Humility is an important virtue to God.  Three times in Scripture we are reminded that, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.”  Jesus demonstrated humility by spending His first day in a manger and His last hours washing the feet of His disciples.  The Apostle Paul reminds us, “Love is not proud, it does not boast.”

Donald Trump is the antithesis of humility.  He boasts of his wealth.  He insists he’s smarter than others.  He has a condescending spirit toward those who disagree with him.  Obviously humility is not a valued virtue with a quarter of Republicans who support Trump in spite of his arrogant spirit – or maybe because of it.

5. People are more impressed with externals than the heart.  

When the prophet Samuel was searching for a king, God informed him not to be enamored with what he saw on the outside: “Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.”  Shallow people are impressed with appearance, affluence, achievement, oratory and titles.  God’s people should value character, compassion, integrity, generosity and righteousness – qualities of the heart- which is “the wellspring of life.”

In spite of the fact that Donald Trump uses crude language, treats people with contempt, has broken his marriage vows, has vacillated on the critical issues of Biblical marriage, the sanctity of life, the support of Israel and tax increases, many who consider themselves conservative Christians are throwing their support to him.  That’s puzzling to me.  While it’s true we’re not electing a pastor but a president, a man’s heart should matter…a lot.  “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”

6. People are incredibly vulnerable to a coming anti-Christ.  

The second chapter of 2 Thessalonians warns of a coming world ruler, “a man of lawlessness,” who will one day deceive the public with false, grandiose promises.  People will flock to him in droves but perish under his leadership because, “…they refused to love the truth and so be saved.”

Eight years ago I was dumbfounded that the majority of Americans voted for a Presidential candidate they knew almost nothing about.  Barak Obama had socialistic leanings and little administrative experience.  His meteoric rise to popularity demonstrated how quickly the masses can be swayed by a charismatic leader.

The surprising popularity of Donald Trump, campaigning on a conservative platform, demonstrates that phenomena is not limited to people on the left.  Many Republicans are quickly enamored with a charismatic, confident leader who promises hope and dramatic change.

Let me make this clear – I do not think Donald Trump is the anti-Christ.  I don’t even think he will be the Republican nominee for President.  But it’s easy to understand how some day, in a time of world-chaos, a charismatic leader will come out of nowhere deceiving even some of the elect by performing great signs and promising world peace.  However, Scripture teaches he will actually lead to world dominion and terror.

As the political campaign unfolds believers should evaluate candidates not by charisma but by character.  Not by grandiose promises but by past performance.  Not by external appearances but by the qualities of the heart.

Presidential elections should remind us that our ultimate hope is in Jesus Christ.  He’s the only one who can ultimately bring realistic hope and change and heal our land.  He’s the only one worthy of our total allegiance because as the Son of God, He alone can forgive our sins and grant eternal life.

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