
Jesus Settled the Creation Versus Evolution Debate

I do not profess to be an expert in the ongoing debate between creationism and evolution. The prevalent arguments in both educational and theological spheres often seem trivial. Maybe I......


My good friend Dr. David Faust has written a delightful book titled Not Too Old: Turning Your Later Years into Greater Years. He writes, “I am convinced that Scripture has......

Seeing Easter’s Message Through the Eyes of a Child

A long-time friend of ours, Bob Drane, passed away two weeks ago. He was a dedicated Christian and a skilled servant of Christ. Everyone who knew him spoke well of......

The Closer You Get to God, the More Sinful You Feel

Simon Peter had not known Jesus very long, but he had been in His presence enough to know there was something very special about Him. Jesus was such a dynamic......


Simon Peter was a brave man. To draw a lone sword and attack a host of soldiers arresting Jesus was a gutsy response. Even though it wasn’t God’s will, we......